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All Natural

Rêve Jolie combines liposomal bio-emulsions technology with rich, powerful ingredients to target the entire skin system. The vibrancy of the skin surface mirrors the health beneath.

Feeding these deepest layers helps to renew skin cells and promote vitality and radiance. Dermal stem cells generate fibroblasts. Fibroblasts generate collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid to bring resilience to skin. Rêve Jolie products were created to stimulate healthy cell growth at every cellular level and provide the nutrients required to generate and maintain collagen no matter your age.

Under the Dermis

Rêve Jolie has combined clinical research into the architecture of skin and the nature of aging.

Millions of skin cells are being made every day, dividing and producing plump new skin cells that move to the surface with the help of collagen, the protein that gives your skin its strength and radiance.

Essential vitamins and anti-aging nutrients are delivered through advanced liposomal bio-emulsions technology that assures the delivery of key ingredients through and under the dermis where collagen and elastin work to maintain firm and youthful skin.

DNA Repair & Collagen Production

Rêve Jolie targets the three core processes occurring as we age: DNA damage, collagen decrease and fibroblasts deterioration.

To stop the slow deterioration of our DNA, Rêve Jolie uses a combination of breakthrough skin nutrients, in particular, ceramides that identify DNA damage and initiate repair.

Strong, healthy DNA cells ensure abundant collagen production. Collagen is the main structural protein that maintains youthful skin, gives the plump, radiant look of beauty that youth supplies so naturally.

Fibroblast Cell Regeneration

Fibroblasts are the key to youthful skin. Not only do these fine fibers produce collagen, but also elastin, allowing skin to shine with health. Collagen and fibroblasts have a direct relationship – neither can exist without the other. So as collagen dissolves, fibroblast cells deteriorate.

Rêve Jolie understands the architecture of skin and the process it undergoes as we age. With this knowledge, we target the problem at its source, deep in the dermis layer of the skin providing the nutrients required to revive these cells and reverse the signs of aging.

All natural, pain free and beautiful to the senses, Rêve Jolie blends anti-aging, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredients to revitalise and enliven your skin.